Lesson Title

Building Motivation in Recovery Groups

Duration: 60 Minutes

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the role of motivation in addiction recovery.
  2. Learn key strategies to build and maintain motivation within recovery groups.
  3. Develop skills to foster a supportive and motivating group environment.
  4. Apply motivational techniques through role-playing activities.
0-10 minutes: Introduction
    • Briefly discuss the importance of motivation in recovery.
    • Share personal stories or statistics to highlight the impact of a motivated group.
10-20 minutes: Understanding Motivation
    • Explain intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.
    • Discuss how motivation affects recovery processes.
20-30 minutes: Key Strategies for Building Motivation
    • Present strategies such as setting achievable goals, recognizing accomplishments, and creating a positive group culture.
    • Use handouts to summarize these strategies.
30-40 minutes: Role-Playing Exercise
    • Divide participants into small groups.
    • Each group practices motivational techniques in a simulated recovery scenario.
40-50 minutes: Group Discussion
    • Facilitate a discussion on the experiences and challenges faced during the role-playing.
    • Encourage the sharing of personal strategies that have been effective.
50-60 minutes: Conclusion and Feedback
    • Summarize key takeaways.
    • Distribute feedback forms to gather insights for improving future sessions.

Facilitator Notes

  • Empathy and Patience: Emphasize the need for empathy and patience in dealing with group members, recognizing that each individual's journey is unique.
  • Encouragement: Regularly encourage participation and validate members' feelings and experiences.
  • Real-life Examples: Incorporate stories of successful recovery to provide hope and inspiration.
  • Safe Space: Ensure the group remains a safe and non-judgmental space for sharing and growth.
  • Continuous Learning: Stay updated on new motivational strategies and recovery techniques to keep the group engaged.
  • Self-Care: Remind participants of the importance of self-care in maintaining their own motivation and well-being.
This lesson plan is designed to be adaptable to various group sizes and settings. The facilitator should adjust the content and activities based on the specific needs and dynamics of the group.