Lesson Title

Understanding and Overcoming Cognitive Distortions

Duration: 75 Minutes
This lesson aims to educate participants on cognitive distortions, helping them recognize and challenge these irrational thought patterns. It emphasizes the role of balanced thinking in improving emotional well-being and promotes strategies used in cognitive-behavioral therapy to foster healthier thinking habits.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this lesson, participants will be able to:
  1. Define cognitive distortions and understand their impact on emotions and behaviors.
  2. Identify different types of cognitive distortions and recognize them in daily life.
  3. Apply techniques to challenge and reframe distorted thoughts.
  4. Practice strategies to promote balanced and realistic thinking patterns.
  5. Develop a personal action plan to manage cognitive distortions.
  • 0-10 minutes: Introduction to cognitive distortions and their relevance in mental health.
  • 10-25 minutes: Presentation on types of cognitive distortions, with examples.
  • 25-40 minutes: Group activity – Identifying distortions in provided case studies or scenarios.
  • 40-55 minutes: Role-play exercises to practice challenging distorted thoughts.
  • 55-70 minutes: Individual work on worksheets to identify personal cognitive distortions and develop strategies to manage them.
  • 70-75 minutes: Summarizing key takeaways, Q&A, and guidance on further resources.

Facilitator Notes

  • Empathetic Engagement: Foster a safe and understanding environment for participants to explore sensitive topics.
  • Interactive Learning: Encourage active participation in group activities and discussions to enhance learning and self-awareness.
  • Flexibility: Be prepared to adjust the content and discussions based on the participants’ responses and needs.
  • Supportive Resources: Provide information on additional mental health resources, including CBT therapists, self-help books, and online platforms.
  • Follow-Up: Suggest keeping a thought diary as a post-session activity to practice identifying and challenging cognitive distortions in everyday life.